ACCI Membership
The primary mission of ACCI is to enhance consumer and family economic well-being. We accomplish our mission through our flagship publication, the Journal of Consumer Affairs which is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that publishes cutting edge scholarship focusing on consumer and family economic issues; an annual multi-disciplinary conference where high quality scholarship is presented and discussed; awards that recognize research and service in the area of consumer science; and through special projects that promote the exchange of ideas among those interested in consumer and family economic issues.
Types of Membership - read details HERE
- Professional Member $125 per year with voting rights, digital access to journal, and a discount on print on demand hard copies of journal
- Membership based on the World Bank: Tier 2 and Tier 3 countries is priced as follows. Tier 2 countries fees are $80 and Tier 3 countries are $40. Read more about discounted membership rates here and see the Nation's classification list by the World bank here.
- Retiree Member (Member not working or consulting full-time) $55 per year with voting rights, digital access to journal, and a discount on print on demand hard copies of journal
- Student Member $25 per year with voting rights, , digital access to journal, and a discount on print on demand hard copies of journal
- Organizational Membership for three professionals (voting) and up to 25 students / associates (non-voting) and other discounts - $500 per year

Why Join?