ACCI Conference 2018 Follow-Up

May 17-20, 2018 - Clearwater Beach, FL, USA

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What Attendees had to say:

  • "Overall great conference! This was my first ACCI -- I liked the size, location, and topics covered." 
  • "Loved the beach towels and interesting and healthy snacks and meals. Well done."
  • "Good format...packs a lot into 2.5 days"
  • "The interaction with poster presenters is always excellent."
  • "ACCI is very beneficial for graduate students. There are so many opportunities to present research and to meet professors and graduate students from other universities."

Follow up

Special Thanks to the Conference Committee
  • Sheri Worthy, Ph.D., Chair, Professor, University of Georgia
  • M.J. Kabaci, Ph.D., ACCI President, Instructor, Montana State University
  • Lorna Saboe Wounded-Head, Ph.D., 2018 CIA Editor, Assistant Professor, South Dakota State University
  • Robin Henager-Greene, Ph.D., Board Liaison, Assistant Professor, Whitworth University
  • Kristi Warren Scott, Ph.D., University of Georgia
  • Ann Woodyard, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Georgia
  • Andrew Schmulow, Senior Lecturer, University of Western Australia
  • Jessica Parks, Ph.D. Student, Student Representative, University of Georgia
  • And the many, many proposal reviewers