ACCI Conference 2017 Follow-Up

April 21-23, 2017 - Albuquerque, NM, USA


What Attendees had to say:

  • "ACCI really has an almost family feel about it; it is more like a family gathering than a typical conference."
  • New attendees first impressions:
    • "This was my first conference ever, and I had a great experience. Everyone was really friendly."
    • "My first time. I thought it was great!"
    • "I really enjoyed the new attendee orientation."
  • On invited speakers and general sessions:
    • "Committee nailed it this year, thank you! Good speakers and on target for ACCI--keep up the great work conference committee and ACCI Board!"
    • "This was a very strong line-up of speakers."
    • "The program was well organized and the speakers dynamic."
  • The 60-second poster previews continue to be a total hit!

Follow up

Special Thanks to the Conference Committee
  • Robin Henager-Greene, Ph.D., 2017 Conference Chair, Assistant Professor, Whitworth University, 
  • Karen Duncan, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Board Liaison, Department of Family Social Sciences, University of Manitoba
  • Holly Hunts, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Montana State University
  • Robert Mayer, Ph.D., Professor, University of Utah
  • Sherrie Rhine, Ph.D., Senior Economist, FDIC
  • Irene Leech, Ph.D., ACCI Board PresidentAssociate Professor, Virginia Tech
  • Sheri Worthy, Ph.D., 2017 CIA Editor, Professor, University of Georgia, 
  • Lorna Saboe Wounded-Head, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, South Dakota State University
  • And the many, many proposal reviewers