ACCI Conference 2016 Follow-Up
June 8-10, 2016 Sheraton Arlington, VA USA
Journal of Consumer Affairs ~ 50th Anniversary
Madison Hall, Library of Congress
June 9, 2016
![](/assets/images/Conf2016/madison hall smaller.jpg)
What Attendees had to say:
- "Presenters strongly agreed that they had good discussions of their presentations."
- "It was an honor for me to receive one of the student scholarships...and the food was excellent!"
- About the Journal of Consumer Affairs 50th Anniversary..."Classy, imbued with a sense of history - much appreciated!"
Follow up
Special Thanks to the Conference Committee
- Robert Nielsen, PhD, Chair, University of Georgia
- Karen Duncan, PhD, Board Liaison, University of Manitoba
- Robin Henager-Greene, PhD, Whitworth University
- Irene Leech, PhD, Virginia Tech
- Robert Mayer, PhD, University of Utah
- Sherrie Rhine, PhD, FDIC
- Ann Woodyard, PhD, University of Georgia
- And the many, many proposal reviewers