Colston E. Warne Lectureship

This lectureship was established in 1971 to recognize Colston E. Warne's leadership in the consumer movement, and his instrumental role in the founding of ACCI. It recognizes a person who has significantly contributed to the Consumer Movement. This person is honored by the invitation to present the Colston Warne Lecture at the ACCI Annual Conference, and to contribute the message of that lecture to the Journal of Consumer Affairs for publication.

Colston E. Warne


Colston Estey Warne (August 14, 1900 - May 20, 1987) was a professor of economics and one of the founders of Consumer Union (along with Arthur Kallet) in 1936. He served as president of the CU Board of Directors from 1936 to 1979.

Warne graduated from Cornell University in 1921 with a master's degrees in economics, later earning his doctorate in political economy from the University of Chicago. He taught at the University of Pittsburgh and later became Professor of Economics at Amherst College from 1926 until his retirement in 1959.

Colston E. Warne Lectureship
Award Winners by Year

Year Lecturer Title of Lecture
2024 Janis Pappalardo, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Household Financial Stability: Data, Metrics, and Missing Pieces
2022 Stacey Steinberg  
2021 Dena Gromet, Behavior Change for Good Initiative (BCFG)  

Patricia A. McCoy
Liberty Mutual Insurance Professor
Boston College Law School

Consumer Financial Protection in a Time of Uncertainty 

Linda Golodner
Principal of Consumer Initiatives


Annamaria Lusardi
DentitTrust Chair of Economics & Accountancy George Washington University

Financial Literacy Skills for the 21st Century: Evidence from PISA

Inez Tenumenbaum
Former Director Consumer Products Safety Commission

Consumer Product Safety in the
United States

David Vladeck
Georgetown Law

The Dilemmas of Debt

Robert Mayer
University of Utah

The U.S. Consumer Movement: A New Era Amid Old Challenges

Robert Avery
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Perspectives from the Front Lines:  The Housing Market (and Crisis)

Ed Mierzwinski
Federal Consumer Program Director and Senior Fellow, U.S. PIRG

Consumer Protection 2.0 - Challenges for Consumer Advocates in the 21st Century
2009 Lizabeth Cohen
Howard Mumford Jones Professor of American Studies & Department Chair Harvard University


Robert N. Nayer
Professor, University of Utah

2007 Victoria Wyszynski Thoresen
Hedmark University College;
Consumer Citizen Network

The Role of Consumer Information in Defining Social Responsibility

John Rother
Social Security: The Way Forward
2005 Linda Golodner
National Consumer's League (NCL)

Ralph Nadar
Consumer Advocate, Lawyer, Author
Consumer Interest: Then and Now

Scott E. Maynes

Three Unnoticed Consumer Disasters: Corporate Malfeasance; Marketing as an Obstacle to Transparent Markets; The Failure to Include Household Production and Consumer Investment in GNP
2002 Jim A. Guest Consumer Information and Advocacy in the 21st Century

2001 Jane Henney Can Change and Consistency Co-Exist

2000 Michael Sherraden From Research to Policy-Lessons of Individual Development Accounts

1999 Sheldon Danziger Welfare Reform and Economic Hardship: Who is Left Behind

1998 Alan Asher Going Global: A New Paradigm for Consumer Protection

1997 Hubert H. "Skip"
Humphrey III
An Emerging Consumer Agenda: A View from the States

1996 William J. Baer Surf's Up: Antitrust Enforcement & Consumer Interests in Merger Wave
1995 James S. Turner Consumerism in the Global Market: Consumer Initiatives in Small Business, Information & Trade

1994 Gordon D. Schiff Consumer Interest and Health Reform

1993 Skip Laitner Land: The Forgotten Resource

1992 Mary Gardiner Jones Consumer Access to Health Care: Basic Right, 21st Century Challenges

1991 Alan Morrison The Role of Litigation in Consumer Protection

1990 Marilyn Moon Consumer Issues of the Elderly

1989 Esther Peterson The Colston Warne Legacy

1988 Stephen Brobeck Academics & Advocates: The Role of Researchers in Consumer Policy Making

1987 Michael Pertschuk The Role of the Public Interest Groups in Setting the National Agenda for the 1990's

1986 Rhoda Karpatkin Changing Issues, Changing Agendas, Winning for the Consumer in the Next 50 Years

1985 James N. Morgan What is the Consumer's Interest

1984 Mark Green Corporate Structure and Consumer Welfare

1983 Anwar Fazal The Consumer Movement is Alive and Well

1982 Gwen J. Bymers On Being Consumer Educators in the 1980's

1981 Betty Furness Communicating Consumerism

1980 Joseph Belth 140 Million Forgotten Consumers: The Life Insurance Policyholders of America

1979 Barbara W. Newell A Tribute to Colston E. Warne
1978 Jeffrey O'Connell The Death and Rebirth of Insurance Contracts

1977 George Brunn This Busy Monster: Reflections on the Consumer Society

1976 Jerry Voorhis The Consumer Movement and the Outlook for Human Survival

1975 Sidney Margolius The Consumer Real Need

1974 Esther Peterson Consumerism

1973 Mary Gardiner Jones Consumer Protection: What Should the Commissioners Role Be?

1972 Kenneth Boulding The Household as Achiles Heel