Consumer Interests Annual - Volume 70, 2024

Edited by Camden Cusumano, Ph.D. Student, University of Georgia

ACCI - Journals in Consumer and Family Economics - Sharon DeVaney, Nilton Porto

Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions and Self-Reported Indicators of Financial HealthVivekananda Das

A Multi-Generational, Mixed-Method Analysis of Parent Financial Socialization - Ashley LeBaron-Black, Sofia Suxo-Sanchez, Loren Marks, Adam Rogers

Digital Maladjustment and Mental Health: The Mediating Role of Social RelationshipsSoyeong Choi, Yu Lim Lee, Hyesun Hwang, Soo Hyun Cho, Hyein Chang, Jibum Kim, Tae-Young Pak

Examining the Concept, Measurement and Determinants of Emergency Savings Katie Fitzpatrick, Manita Rao

Factors Influencing Financial Toxicity Among Cancer Patients In UF Cancer Catchment AreaBiswadeep Dhar, Travis P. Mountain, Michael S. Gutter

Financial Hardship and Emotional Well-Being Among U.S. Older Adults With and Without Alzheimer’s DiseaseShinae Choi

Financial Independence of College StudentsJing Jian Xiao, Nilton Porto

Improving Financial Literacy Education for College Students: The Flywheel Effect!Jacob Tenney

Individuals' Financial Behaviors and Their Causes: A Canadian Qualitative Study - Tonia Morris

Revisiting the social media as a tool for behavioral change for sustainable consumption Yuhyeon Seo, Jiyeon Son, Eunsil Hong

The Effect of Digital Transactional Competency on Consumption Life Satisfaction Among Older ConsumersMina Yu, Soo Hyun Cho

Three Essays on Parental Health Adversities and Children's Educational OutcomesMalika Dhakhwa, Patryk Babiarz

To Work or Not to Work: The Role of Local Childcare Costs and State Pre-K Policy in Shaping Maternal Employment Trajectories Post-Childbirth in the U.S. - Xiangchen Liu

Understanding Long-Term Trends in Bank Account Ownership by Race and EthnicityRyan Goodstein, Alicia Lloro, Jeffrey Weinstein

Using Food as Medicine to Address Health Disparities: The Veggie Rx ModelAda Leung, Nelly Perez, Lisa Weaver, Kayla Rutt, Madeline Bermudez, Christina Scartozzi, Susan Veldheer