Chi-Jack Lin, Sherman D. Hanna Consumer Interests Annual - Volume 56, 2010


Concurrent Sessions

Special Sessions


Editor’s Note

The 56th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests was held in partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, April 14 – 16, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia. Abstracts and papers of refereed presentations and summaries of other sessions held during the meeting are provided in these conference proceedings. In the event in which a paper is under review or in press for another journal, presenters have been asked to submit an abstract of their work for Consumer Interests Annual instead of a full-length article.

Thanks to each of the following persons who helped make the conference a success:

  • Conference Board Coordinator: Debby Haynes, Montana State University
  • Program Chair: Jan Garkey, Credit Union National Association
  • Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta: Bobbi McCrackin, Todd Greene, Tim Smith, Karen Leone de Nie
  • Federal Reserve Board: Jeanne Hogarth
  • University of Georgia: Brenda Cude